Taiwan says no trash cans? 台灣說沒有垃圾桶?

by - May 21, 2021

 Noted: We strictly followed Taiwan CDC’s Covid-19 rules by wearing masks and hand sanitizing during the whole interview. 在整個採訪過程中,我們嚴格遵守台灣疾病預防控制中心的Covid-19規定,戴著口罩並進行手消毒。

These photos are taken on the streets nearby our school (NSYSU). Do you notice that the trash cans are hard to be seen?

We have been here for almost 9 months here in Kaohsiung and remember exactly when We found just a few trash cans are placed on the street of where We live (the same in other cities that We have been to).
This is obviously a simple yet smart move towards keeping streets clean. It also reminds me of South Korea with its brilliant volume-based fee waste system enforced back in 1995. “This pay-as-you-throw waste management system would impose a differentiated treatment cost determined by the amount of waste generated by each household resident. Under the system, waste is collected in synthetic resin bags, that are purchased at the price of the waste treatment cost”. Recyclable wastes however, remained free of charge as long as being sorted in separate bins. This would play a significant role in reducing the volume of garbage generated while encouraging residents to maximise their recycling. Prior to this, recycling rates were extremely low since there was no incentive for households to care about recycling.
Lots of questions were going around my mind on how Taiwanese actually like the fewer dustbins and could the waste rate policy from South Korea be applied in Taiwan. That’s why me and my teammate Chloe hit the street of Kaohsiung to find out! 關於台灣人實際上如何喜歡較少的垃圾箱,以及韓國是否可以在台灣實施韓國的廢品率政策,我想到了很多問題。這就是為什麼我和我的隊友克洛伊(Chloe)在高雄街上尋找答案的原因!
Our first interviewee shared that he gets used to carrying his personal trash along until he is back home to get rid of them. So, he finds it completely fine with the fact that Taiwan’s public space reduces the number of garbage bins. He further agrees that this move would help prevent people from littering on the street. The guy also mentioned that even though the country has been making increasing efforts to waste management, not all of Taiwanese people knows how to properly sort their waste. He even took some specific examples which people are confused to sort, including straw’s individually wrapped packages and the plastic cover of single-use utensils. As for waste sorting, he believes that stricter processes should be imposed at households’ level as he finds most of the Taiwanese won’t do separating trash at home.
He agreed with the policy and said that the policy could contribute to a higher recycling rate in Taiwan where there is little penalty for households to care about recycling. 

We then bumped into a mother and her high school daughter on the street who are very much engaged with our questions. The mother never really thinks about the fact there are less garbage bins in Taiwan as she actually believes that it is the same case in every country. And they appeared to responsibly manage their personal waste by holding on to them in the car or backpacks until they find the right place to toss in.
She added that waste sorting very much depends on the public awareness which she found to be relatively lower among the elderly than the other groups. Our conversation got more exciting when we talked about the waste management scheme imposed in South Korean. Both the mother and her daughter would be more than happy to have such policy in Taiwan because it would help bring waste management in the country to the next level. She strongly believes that it would be successful by citing the success story of the ban on free plastic shopping bags from many common businesses as a measure restricting plastic bag use (in Taiwan, people who need shopping plastic bags now have to pay for them).
她也說垃圾分類在很大程度上取決於公眾的意識,她發現老年人的意識比其他群體要低。當我們談論韓國實行的廢物管理計劃時,我們的談話變得更加令人興奮。母親和女兒都非常樂意在台灣實行這樣的政策,因為這將有助於將台灣的廢物管理提高到一個新的水平。她堅信通過引用許多常見企業免費塑料購物袋的成功案例作為限制塑料袋使用的一種措施,這種成功將是成功的(在台灣,現在需要購物塑料袋的人們必須為此付費) 。

The next interviewee said “We do notice that fewer garbage bins are placed here on the street and it is a good move in certain ways by reminding us about how much trash we produce because we have to carry  our waste along until until we get home” he explained what he usually manage his personal trash. However, he expressed mixed thoughts by pointing out some cons of taking away public trash bins. “The only way to throw your trash is to wait for the garbage truck which indeed causes inconvenience for those who came home late from work. And so, We saw some of them just throw their trash on the street instead”. When being asked to give his opinions of the South Korean’s pay-as-you-throw policy, he disagrees to apply in Taiwanese context as there are still many people are not able to afford the non-recyclable waste fine.
Despite how much potential the policy seems to be, some don’t give 100% trust on it. We met a couple who were saying that even with the policy executed, it may not do much to the waste management and many people would be willing to pay. 

To sum up, it’s fair to say that Taiwan has achieved a remarkable result by getting rid of many public dustbins. This method indeed decreases littering while reminding the citizens of waste sorting. On the other hand, one of its disadvantages is that you have to carry the trash with you all the way home (or until you find a public trash bin). But once you become familiar with it, you will no longer feel that keeping the trash with you unusual or annoying. In the end, we always need to sacrifice our convenience for the sake of Mother Earth, right?!

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