[Kaohsiung, NSYSU] Water shortage in Taiwan and what people really think! 台灣人如何看「缺水」議題!

by - May 01, 2021

Taiwan is facing a very looming water shortage due to a significant drop in rainfall in parts of the country in the recent months. Related news and headlines on the media have highlighted the seriousness of the issue by reporting photos of drought in Sun Moon Lake, an extreme photo of local residents storing water in their bathtubs or even the ones featuring rice field lies cracked and fallow.
由於近幾個月來台灣部分地區的降雨大幅減少,台灣缺水迫在眉睫。 新聞也報導出日月潭水庫見底、當地居民在浴缸中儲水甚至是稻田龜裂和在上面休閒的照片,雖然看起來有趣,但也顯現出了缺水的急迫性。

But wait, do the citizens here actually hear of this? How much are they concerned? As our team is curious about what the residents think, we hit the campus of NSYSU (Kaohsiung) to find out!
但大家真的聽到了嗎? 他們真的關心缺水的議題嗎? 由於我們的團隊對台灣人的想法感到好奇,因此我們來到了中山大學的校園來聽聽看這裡學生的真實想法!

These guys happened to be our first interviewees and were super-engaged to the topic. We were further amazed at how the two of them acted to save water. "We usually collect water while waiting for hot water to use it when making water to flush the toilet." This way of saving water has been doing so to avoid wasting water in the shower. He also shared that not only Taiwanese citizens but also major manufacturers started acting to deal with the water shortage. They then cited TSMC as an example, saying that the manufacturer plan reduce the water consumption by recycling up to 80% of their water usage in production.
他們(圖右一、右二)是我們的第一批訪問到的人,他們對這個話題非常投入。 我們對於他們節約用水的方法非常耳目一新。 「我們通常在熱水尚未出來之前都會把那些水留下,可以用來當作沖馬桶的水。」 這樣做可以減少在淋浴時浪費乾淨的水。 他們還分享說,不僅台灣居民,越來越多的製造商都開始主動採取行動來解決缺水問題。 並且,他以台積電(TSMC)為例,他說台積電預計通過回收多達80%的生產用水來減少用水量。(參考:一滴水用3.5次)

Our next guest is from Taipei, she represents her company to be at NSYSU to assist in the recruitment of engineering students. She has heard of the water shortage on the news and explained that the lack of water was due to insufficient rainfall this year. She also added that the place where she lives - Taipei still receives a sufficient amount of rainfall, so she is little worried about the water crisis. She is also positive that this will end soon. But it doesn't mean that she is not mindful of her daily water conservation. "I think we should take less bath and do more shower instead" she said. It seems that people coming different places would have different levels of concern about the water shortage but they're all cautious about the water consumption.
我們的下一位訪談對象來自台北,她代表她的公司在NSYSU協助招募工程專業的學生。 她說曾在新聞中聽說過缺水,並解釋說缺水是由於今年降雨不足。 更補充說,她居住在台北,因為地形的關係,一年四季的雨天較多,水庫中的水也仍充足,因此她很少擔心水危機。但她也肯定缺水快結束了。 但這並不意味著她對日常節水不了解。 她說:「我認為我們應該多用沖澡取代泡澡。」 似乎來自不同地方的人們對缺水的關注程度不同,但他們都會因為缺水而對用水更謹慎些。

The next guest is surprising too! After a while walking around the huge campus of NSYSU, we run into Professor David Anderson from NSYSU's College of Management while he was on a break. Taking a sip of coffee, David was so into the topic and even discussed with us the issues around it. Explaining the scant water supply, David said that this is the first year Taiwan has not experienced a single typhoon since the last five decades and that the country is typically hit by more than 3 typhoons a year. And as a result, farming and semiconductor sector will be hit the hardest by the ongoing drought in long run. In fact, the chipmaking industry is one of the key contributors to the island's overall economy, but it needs the decent amount of water to clean the wafers that go into many tech devices. 
我們的下一位訪問對象非常特別! 在中山大學的管理學院遇到了正在休息的David Anderson教授。 他喝了一口咖啡後表示自己非常喜歡這個話題。同時也和我們討論了缺水之下會衍生的相關問題。 David說:供水不足的情況是台灣近五十年來第一次沒颱風經過並帶來大量雨量的第一年。台灣通常每年都會面臨3次左右的颱風。 長期來看,缺水若將持續下去,受到最大衝擊的便是農業和半導體行業。 實際上,半導體製造業是台灣整體經濟的主要貢獻者之一,但它需要大量的水才能清洗進入許多高科技設備的晶圓。

At the end, we learned that everyone is trying to keep themselves updated with this topic and doing their best to efficiently consume water in their own ways.

Last but not least, thanks again for those who were happy to join our discussion! This is a good topic, right?! Follow us on our next posts to find out ways to help with this water crisis!
最後,再次感謝這些受訪者,很榮幸他們接受我們的訪談! 這是一個好議題對吧!在接下來的文章中大家可以持續關注我們,我們將告訴大家如何透過改變生活中的小細節來更節省水資源哦!

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