Don't throw it, use it! 廚餘也可以有第二生命!

by - May 05, 2021

Discover 4 products in your kitchen that are usually thrown away when they could be used. 四種在廚房中常見且可重複利用的資源

  • First item: Rice cooking water/ 第一項:煮飯水

Let's start with the water used to cook rice. Rice is a food that is naturally rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals. So, when you cook it, why not save the water you use to cook it, and all the goodness it contains? 最常見但卻又容易被直接丟棄的-煮飯水。米富有維生素,纖維質和礦物質。因此,用來煮米的水透過妥善運用後也可為您帶來益處。

Indeed, you can use it for 您可以用來:

- Shining your hair Use it as rinse water, leave it on for a few minutes and rinse with clear water. It will make your hair more beautiful, shiny, and even easier to style. -讓頭髮更有光澤:運用煮飯水浸泡頭髮幾分鐘後,用清水沖洗。它將使您的頭髮更柔順有光澤且更容易塑造髮型。

  •  Aiding digestion: 
Drinking rice cooking water frequently will help you fight digestive discomfort and restore your intestinal flora. -幫助消化-喝煮飯水有助於消化不適並有益於腸道菌群。
  • Protecting your skin:
 Once cooled, it can be used to deeply moisturize the epidermis, fight cell aging and act as an anti-inflammatory for the skin. And thanks to an antioxidant, para-aminobenzoic acid, which it contains, rice water is an ally that protects our skin from the sun. -保護皮膚 : 冷卻後的煮飯水可以用於滋潤皮膚、抑制細胞衰老和皮膚炎等作用。由於煮飯水含有抗氧化劑和氨基苯甲酸,妥善的重複利用也有助於保護我們皮膚免受陽光照射。

Second item: Coffee grounds/第二:咖啡渣

The question we all asked ourselves one day: what do we do with these coffee grounds once the coffee is ready? The answer is here!:當我們每天泡完咖啡後,都會有個疑問:剩餘的咖啡渣該怎麼處理呢?答案就在這裡!

  •  Making your skin soft/ 使皮膚更柔軟

Mixed with coconut oil, coffee grounds make an excellent scrub to exfoliate dead skin and oxygenate the skin. 咖啡渣可以與椰子油混合後,擦洗皮膚角質,並為肌膚補充水分。

  • Speeding up plant growth/ 使植物生長加快

Coffee grounds are a concentrate of antioxidants and minerals, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It is excellent for plants; you just need to mix it with the soil. 咖啡渣是抗氧化劑和礦物質,氮,磷和鉀的濃縮物。而這些成分都有利於植物的生長,只需要將咖啡渣與土壤混合即可。

Third item: Vegetable peels/第三:蔬菜皮

In order to prepare delicious homemade dishes, we find ourselves peeling vegetables, and unfortunately, these peelings are thrown away without being eaten. Here are some tips to know. 為了準備可口的家常菜,我們會將蔬菜外觀不佳的皮剝掉,那這些被剝掉的蔬菜是否有其他用途呢?這裡有一些提示。

  • Transforming them into chips/將它們切為細塊狀

With your vegetable peels, such as potatoes or carrots, you can rinse them in clean water and bake them in the oven with a dash of oil until they become crispy chips. 像馬鈴薯或紅蘿蔔的皮去除後,可先用清水沖洗,後放進烤箱中加少許油烘烤,待其變脆後,可用於當點心或配料。

  • Trying overseas recipe/ 嘗試不一樣的異國風情食譜

Have you ever heard of tzatziki? Tzatziki is an excellent Greek mezzo made with thick yogurt, cucumbers, onions and garlic. Have you ever heard of tzatziki? Tzatziki is an excellent Greek mezzo made with thick yoghurt, cucumbers, onions and garlic. Next time you peel cucumbers consider trying this recipe using the cucumber skin. You'll love it. 聽說過Tzatziki嗎? Tzatziki是由上等的酸奶,黃瓜,洋蔥和大蒜製成的希臘菜。下次剝黃瓜時,可以考慮使用黃瓜皮嘗試這種異國食譜,可以享受不一樣的異國料理。

Fourth item: Very ripen fruits/第四項:過熟的水果

We are all the same, we have all forgotten the fruit we bought during our "recovery" period, and it has become too ripe to enjoy. Here are some ideas, you will discover them in a different shape. 我們時常會忘了我們購買的未成熟之水果,而當水果變得過熟時,除了直接丟棄,還有哪些用法呢? 這裡有一些想法,您會對於他們有不一樣的想法。
  • Turning it into a smoothie/ 打成果汁
Nothing could be easier than a milkshake. Freeze the fruit and once frozen, mix it with vegetable milk and that's it. 沒有什麼比奶昔更容易了。先將水果冷凍後,將其與牛奶混合即可。

  • Creating jams/ 製作果醬
With a portion of sugar, the fruit can be used to make superb jams that will enhance your next brunch. PS: you can use the citrus seeds to create pectin. 加上少量的糖、水果及可用來製作果醬,這將為您的下一次早午餐更加豐盛。 PS:可使用柑桔種子製作果膠。

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