Tips to save money while renovating your bathroom 既可翻修浴室又可省錢的小訣竅

by - May 05, 2021

Designing a built-in closet, renovating old furniture, repairing based on old structures ... are the ways to save costs when renovating the bathroom.

裝設崁入式的壁櫥、翻新原有的家具,對裝修原結構...等 都可在翻新浴室時為您節省成本。

Built-in Closets 崁入式的壁櫥

Built-in closets are a good idea for a small area bathroom because they almost do not take up the area of the room and have high aesthetics. 崁入式的壁櫥很適合空間不大的浴室,因為他們不僅不會佔到額外的空間,也會增加浴室整體的美感。

Wall-mounted Mirror and Windows 壁掛式鏡子和窗戶

To help brighten the bathroom, you may consider designing windows. If the space is somewhat bleak, you can add mirrors, along with natural light, reflecting objects will brighten the room. 為了讓浴室的採光較充足,可以考慮設計一些窗戶。如果浴室空間不允許的話也可以裝壁掛式的鏡子配合自然燈,這些都可以讓浴室看起來更明亮些。

Make use of old furniture 使用原有的家具

Instead of spending a lot of money on a new item, a family can save money by renovating old furniture that is still valid. Taking advantage of old wardrobes, tables, or TV shelves ... is an economical way to store furniture in the bathroom, expressing your personal aesthetic style.無需花錢購買新裝潢物品,而是可以通過翻新仍可使用的舊家具來省錢。 利用舊衣櫃,桌子或電視架...等 都可為浴室帶來不一樣的裝潢風格,同時也可看出個人特色。

Install proper ventilation 裝設通風口
Besides repainting or buying new equipment, renovating a bathroom by replacing a suitable ventilation fan, there are many benefits. The proper ventilation prevents mold growth, avoids slippery floors, the interior is not damaged by water, and protects the health of family members. 除了重新粉刷或購買新的設備,更換合適的通風風扇來翻新浴室外,這樣做既可防止黴菌滋生,也可避免地板濕滑。且浴室地板也不會一直受潮同時也可保護家人的健康。

Renovation based on old texture 對原有設計進行翻新
Changing the spatial structure, buying new equipment, furniture ... is an appropriate choice if the family can afford it. With a family on a tight budget, the refurbishment sticks to the basics, painting, and pairing existing furniture to help reduce spending. Plumbing is not an option on a tight budget, families can convert an ordinary wall shower into a shower that forms a separate stream of water.  如果預算充足時,可考慮改變空間結構,購買新設備,家具...無疑是整修浴室最佳的選擇。 但當預算有限的情況下,裝修工作可以考慮維持原有的基礎,並搭配油漆和現有家具,可達到減少支出的效果。 雖然在預算有限之下選擇較少,但仍可以將普通的壁掛式淋浴轉換成形成獨立水流的淋浴。

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