That is a sustainable laundry! 洗衣也能幫助環境永續發展

by - April 28, 2021

5 tips to turn your washing machine green! 5個使您的洗衣機對環境更友善的方法

Putting on the washing machine is a fundamental part of every human being's life.
Wearing clothes full of stains is very sustainable but at the moment it seems to be
out of fashion! 使用洗衣機是每個人生活之必需 穿著沾滿污漬雖然可能不太雅觀,
It is clear that at least once a week or if you like sports like me you may have to put more
than one. What can we do to make it sustainable? Read the following tips carefully: 
我們該怎麼做才能使其可對環境更友善呢? 請參考以下方法:

    1. Try not to wash clothes that are not strictly necessary. Not only for the usage of water but also as much as you wash more plastic microfibers will be released. Wait until you have enough clothes to fill the whole washing machine. 非必要的衣服可以不用立即丟進洗衣機 不僅用於用水,洗滌時會釋放對環境不友善的塑料超細纖維。 建議等到有足夠的衣服裝滿整個洗衣機為止,省錢又便利

    2. Use COLD water (don't worry, we assure you that it washes just as well and even prevents your clothes to retain their color). 使用冷水(請放心,我們向您保證冷水可用來衣服且還可有效防止衣服褪色)。

    3. Forget about the dryer, it requires a little more patience but air dry your clothes. 雖然風乾需要更多的耐心,但還是少用烘乾機吧

    4. Use sustainable detergents such as baking soda使用成分友善環境的清潔劑,例如小蘇打

    And.....If you still want to be even more pro-sustainable: You can still wash your clothes by hand and burn some calories. 還有.....如果您願意做對環境更友善的話,您仍然可以使用手洗衣並燃燒一些熱量。


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