The recipe for a more sustainable fridge! 使用冰箱同時兼具永續發展的小秘訣!

by - April 28, 2021


How to get rid of the habit of visiting your refrigerator! 如何減少打開冰箱的習慣!

The last year 2020 the world's population was affected by a pandemic, changing our way of life. Teleworking has become an exponential part of the work landscape. Taiwan, although not as affected by the covid-19 impact on the rest of the world, has also encouraged teleworking. More time at home, more time for temptation! How could it not be my great friend the fridge! 2020年,世界人口受到疫情影響,改變了我們的生活方式。 遠程辦公已成為工作環境的一部分。 台灣雖然不像其他國家受到嚴重的covid-19的影響,但仍須防範於未然,鼓勵遠端班公。而當我們在家的時間變長了,冰箱成了無時無刻吸引我們的好朋友!

嗯… 跟兩分鐘前在冰箱裡的東西一樣,晚點再來看看會不會有什麼新東西出現好了。

Trips to a fridge that does not change its contents and yet we open it to calm our boredom. Here comes the perfect recipe to be a little more sustainable and who knows maybe save a few bucks on the electricity bill. 即便我們知道多打開幾次冰箱不會改變什麼,但我們還是會在無聊時不自覺地打開冰箱。以下是我們可以節省電費又不會浪費資源的小祕訣。

Now you are ready every time you get bored you will have a phone with a

A picture of the inside of your fridge available whenever you need it. And if what you need is to calm down your anxiety or hunger you will have the healthiest option for the summer season that is perfectly preserved outside the fridge (don’t focus on the chocolate remember you bought bananas and tomatoes xD). 先打開您的冰箱,並拍一張照吧! 每當您感到無聊時打開手機相簿就能看到您的冰箱囉。 或者如果您感到焦慮或嘴饞,那麼您在夏季將有健康的選擇-可以完美保存在冰箱外的番茄和香蕉(可以幫您減少惦記著巧克力,並提醒自己買了香蕉和番茄xD)。


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