How to spend an eco-friendly day at the beach? 如何在海灘度過環保的一天?

by - June 02, 2021

The beautiful days are here, so think about enjoying the beautiful beaches and swimming in the sea. Here are our tips for limiting your impact on the aquatic environment. 
美好的日子裡,當然想享受美麗的海灘和在海中游泳。 以下是我們可以減少海洋污染的提示。

Wear reef-safe sunscreen. 塗上友善珊瑚礁健康的防曬霜。

Sunscreens are essential to protect our skin from the sun's rays but they can certainly damage marine ecosystems. Here are the ingredients to watch out for when choosing your reef-friendly sunscreen:

防曬霜對於保護我們的皮膚免受陽光照射至關重要,但多少都會破壞海洋生態系統。 以下是選擇適合珊瑚礁的防曬霜時需要注意的成分:

  • Oxybenzone and Octinoxate, they trigger a stress reaction in corals).

  • Titanium dioxide, which produces hydrogen peroxide in the ocean, which is toxic to corals and other animals.

  • Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which should not be nano-sized, as nanoparticles are tiny and can be eaten by marine animals or damage their gills or internal systems.

  • Mineral oil (or petroleum products), which is harmful to seabirds and other marine animals.

- 氧苯酮和辛酸,它們會引發珊瑚的應激反應)。

- 二氧化鈦,在海洋中產生過氧化氫,對珊瑚和其他動物有毒。

- 二氧化鈦和氧化鋅,不應是納米級的,因為納米粒子很小,可以被海洋動物吃掉或損壞它們的鰓或內部系統。

- 礦物油(或石油產品),對海鳥和其他海洋動物有害。

Some brands use the 'Reef Friendly' or 'Reef Safe' symbol on their sunscreens to indicate that they are environmentally friendly, double check the ingredients. You should pick the water-resistant or ocean safe sunscreens.

一些品牌在其防曬霜上使用“Reef Friendly”或“Reef Safe”符號來表明它們是環保的並注意其成分。 我們都應該選擇防水或海洋環境友善的防曬霜。

Bonus: That a sound that I personally love : Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen) from Quindon Tarver and Josh Abrahams

補充:這是我個人喜歡的歌曲:Quindon Tarver 和 Josh Abrahams 的《Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)》

Buy chemical-free flip-flops. 購買不含化學物質的拖鞋。
Wearing flip-flops while walking on the beach may not seem like a big deal but it can be harmful to the environment. Some flip-flops are made from a variety of chemicals that can leach into the water. Choose a pair of flip-flops that will last over time, made from responsible and environmentally friendly materials. 
在海灘上散步時穿拖鞋似乎沒什麼大不了的,但可能對環境有害,因為拖鞋會可能將化學物質融入水中。 有些拖鞋是由各種可以浸入水中的化學物質製成的。 選擇一雙經久耐用的人字拖,由友善環境的環保材料製成。

Take part in litter picks on Taiwanese beaches. 在台灣加入淨灘活動
Waste can be carried out to sea and follow the currents for thousands of kilometres. It can accumulate in what is known as the Great Garbage Patch (also known as the 8th continent) before being carried by the currents to another beach in the world. Many associations in Taiwan carry out waste collection events such as the NSYSU student association, so feel free to participate in these collections or simply make sure you don't leave any waste behind.
廢物可以被運到海裡,並沿著水流行駛數千公里。 它可以在被稱為大垃圾帶(也稱為第八大陸)的地方積聚,然後被洋流帶到世界上的另一個海灘。 台灣的許多協會都開展垃圾收集活動,例如 NSYSU 學生會,所以請隨時參與這些收集活動,或者只是確保不要留下任何垃圾。

Enjoy non-polluting activities such as surfing, sailing or snorkelling. 享受無污染的活動,如衝浪、帆船或浮潛

There's nothing better than water activities that use the energy of the sea, so you enjoy it without affecting it. Our best spot: Liuqiu, a coral island in the southwest of Taiwan Island. 

沒有什麼比使用海洋能量的水上活動更好的了,所以您可以盡情享受而不影響它。 我們的最佳地點:台灣島西南部的珊瑚島六丘。

Don't feed the animals. 請勿餵食海洋動物The food you offer to wild animals can cause digestive problems, illnesses or nutritional imbalances. 


Don’t take seashells from the beach. 不要撿貝殼

By collect shells, you could rob sea creature of a home and affect the ocean’s ecosystems & increase shoreline erosion. So, next time you can simply take a wonderful picture of it ;) 

撿貝殼可能造成侵占的海洋生物的居住地、影響海洋的生態系統並增加海岸線侵蝕。 所以,下次我們可以簡單地拍一張漂亮的照片;)

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