The 3R Rule for a green use of packaging. 綠色包裝的3R法則。

by - June 09, 2021

 Last week, to satisfy my hunger, I went to get a snack in one of the convenience stores on the university campus. I had a sweet tooth, so I chose a box of Oreo. Back home, I decide to open the packaging to enjoy these lovely biscuits. And there, surprise, the Oreos were still packed in another packaging, over-wrapping...  I think you have understood that today's topic will be packaging. We will proceed with the 3-R method: refuse where possible, reduce if it is an option or recycle. 
上週,為了填飽肚子,我們到校園中的便利店買了點零食。因為我喜歡吃甜食,所以我選擇了一盒Oreo巧克力。回到家打開包裝享用這些可愛的餅乾。令人驚訝的是,Oreo巧克力餅乾仍裝在另一個包裝中,多重包裝......我想大家已經猜到今天的主題將是包裝。我們將使用 3R 方法:盡可能減少及回收過度包裝導致的資源消耗。

        1. REFUSE  拒用:

Tip number 1 is the simplest and most effective! Refuse all types of packaging. For example, when you go shopping at the market, you don't need a plastic bag for your fruit or vegetables. These products are protected by their skins, simply put them in your bag or basket.  Or choose to eat on the spot, and in addition you can relax and chat. 
方法1 是最簡單、有效的!拒絕所有類型的包裝。例如,當您去市場購物時,您的水果或蔬菜不需要塑料袋。這些產品由它們的皮膚保護,只需將它們放在您的包或籃子裡。或者選擇就地就餐,另外還可以放鬆和聊天。

        2. REDUCE 少用:

Banana leaf wrappers are a great alternative for packaging certain food products. They are tied with a thin piece of bamboo. A way to minimise environmental impact when choosing the take-away option. 

A great trick for wrapping items for gifts, for example, is Furoshiki. This Japanese art of gift wrapping is a great example of the concept of reuse by using fabric instead of traditional wrapping paper.
例如,包裝禮物的一個絕佳的構想可以參考Furoshiki 。日本禮品包裝藝術是使用織物代替傳統包裝紙且可重複利用的一個很好的例子

Alternatively, you can opt for returnable packaging. These types of packaging are being developed by large chains such as Burger King, who have partnered with TerraCycle Loop to offer their customers an eco-friendly option.
或者,您可以選擇可回收包裝。這類型的包裝正由漢堡王等知名連鎖店開發,他們與 TerraCycle Loop 合作,為客戶提供更友善環境的新選擇。

Why not eat the packaging? Some retailers have developed edible packaging so no waste is created! The global fast food chain KFC has teamed up with British food scientists, the Robin Collective, to develop a flavoured edible cup.

曾想過包裝可以食用嗎?一些零售商開發了可食用的包裝,因此不會產生浪費!全球快餐連鎖店肯德基與英國食品科學家 Robin Collective 合作開發了一種可食用的調味杯。

        3. RECYCLE 回收:

Compostable and biodegradable packaging allows the packaging to be used instead of becoming waste. Some retailers even offer to grow a plant with their product packaging. This is revolutionary! 


Otherwise think about upcycling the packaging! We have many articles on this subject, take a look! 


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