[PART 1] Easy ways to experience the 'green living' lifestyle at home 在家也能體驗綠色生活的簡單方法

by - May 05, 2021

  1.  How to save the energy 小節能,愛地球

-Set the recommended temperature for air conditioners.

As you may know, 78° Fahrenheit or 26 °Celsius is the suggested temperature for air conditioners to balance energy savings and comfort when people are at home and need cooling. However, you may also consider using a fan if it is possible. 設置空調的推薦溫度。 26 °C 或 78° F 是冷氣推薦的設定溫度,不僅可達到節能的功效,也可提供人們所需要的舒適度。當然,如果還不算太熱的話,您也可以考慮使用電風扇。

- In the summer or on weekends, instead of letting your children stay at home playing on electronic devices, parents should arrange a time to take their children to the park. By doing this family activity, parents can be closer to their children and can evoke a child's love for nature and the environment. 炎熱的夏日週末,與其讓孩子們在家玩電動,不如帶孩子們到公園走走。父母也可透過這些親子互動來更親近自己的孩子,激發孩子們對大自然的愛護。

- Use sleep mode for the computer or turn it off completely when it is not in use.

- Take advantage of wind, outdoor air, and natural light.

- Replace old bulbs with energy-saving bulbs.

- Turn off lights, unplug power or turn off power switches when it is not in use.

- Encourage ourselves, families, and friends to walk or use public transport.
- Don't forget to compare your monthly electricity bills to control your energy usage.

     2. How to save the water 省水不是口號,行動才是王道

- Don’t overload the washing machine, adjust the suitable water level.
- Turn off the faucet while brushing teeth.
- Reuse wastewater.

     3. Smart shopping 聰明採購,綠色生活
- Support your local businesses. Not only will this help you buy cheaper products, but also will help the environment greener by saving on fuel for transportation.

- If you have a choice between buying products packaged in paper bags and plastic boxes, choose plastic boxes. You can reuse this box for other purposes, reduce the amount of waste to the environment.

- Household products that are used frequently, such as washing powder, dishwashing liquid, are suggested to buy in a larger size or wholesale. Manufacturers often stimulate consumption by applying economical prices to their bulk products. This helps you save money and reduce waste from packaging.

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