Be stylish and green! 變得時尚又環保!

by - May 05, 2021

In this article, you will find all our tips for making the right choices for your clothing purchases. As a consumer, you have the power to encourage good initiatives by choosing to buy their products. Quality and ethical products are usually a little more expensive than others, but you are paying for quality and investing in the future. 



For a more responsible dressing room, you have different options available to you: 

Before buying new, opt for second-hand items. As a reminder: it takes the equivalent of 70 showers to make a T-shirt. To make one pair of jeans, it takes 7,500 liters, the equivalent of the water drunk by a human for...7 years. Several environmental organizations such as Oxfam and WWF have repeatedly denounced the textile industry as one of the biggest polluters in the world. Choosing vintage and thrift shops can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce clothing waste and also save money, as these items are generally good deals. 



In Taiwan, there are flea markets that take place every weekend in major cities such as Kaohsiung, Taipei, Taichung,... To find more information such as timetables, simply search on Google Maps with the following keywords: Flea market  在台灣,每個週末在主要城市(例如高雄,台北,台中等)都會有跳蚤市場。只需在Google Maps上搜尋-跳蚤市場,就可以找到更多的資訊。

There are also online platforms such as Clothes Telling, which is an online thrift store that offers second-hand items.

還有一些在線平台,例如Clothes Telling,這是一個提供二手衣服的網路平台

You can organize a garage sale with your friends to exchange your old clothes. This way, in addition to having a good time with your friends, you can renew your wardrobe. 


If you have that "I have nothing left to wear" feeling, transform your old clothes by giving them a new lease on life. For this, you can take inspiration from the 1001 DIY videos on Youtube that explain different customisation methods. 

如果有「我怎麼都沒衣服穿了」的感覺,可以嘗試給舊衣服換個新搭配風格,以改變「穿來穿去都這樣子而已」的錯覺。比如YouTube上的1001 DIY影片介紹了許多不同的搭配風格。

If you're still hesitant about thrift shops, choose new clothes from ethical brands. Many brands are committed to more ethical, environmentally friendly and employee-friendly fashion. To name a few examples, Veja (a French trainer brand committed to choosing raw materials and respecting its workers), Patagonia (an American clothing brand choosing to offer sustainable items) etc... 


When shopping in Taiwan, you can pay attention to labels such as the Twine label, a label certifying the quality of the product through the choice of raw materials and working conditions. Or simply choose committed clothing shops, so that you don't have to worry about shopping. 


Finally, sort out your wardrobe, you may have forgotten a few wonders in your wardrobe. This tidying up will also allow you to sort out what you want to keep and what you no longer wear. Donate the items you are no longer interested in, so you can participate in the circular economy of second-hand clothing.  



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