What to get for Mother's Day? 想不到母親節禮物要送什麼嗎?

by - May 11, 2021


Last-minute Mother’s DAY GIFT IDEAS FOR YOUR ASIAN MOMS that are not costly but environmental friendly!  還想不到母親節禮物要送什麼嗎? 以下有幾個既不會花您太多錢且又可以友善環境的亞洲人限定禮物!

There’s no secret to the best gift for your mom on Mother’s day. She’s simply looking forward to your love!  母親節送給媽媽的禮物並沒有什麼秘密, 他們只是簡單的期待著子女對他們的愛!

            1. Make a DIY gift for her: 親手做的禮物:

This idea sounds as old as earth but the fact that it works so effectively proves that it’s old but gold. Spend some times and make her a postcard, flowers from colorful papers, or a scrapbook packed with your family’s photos. Scroll below for some cool ideas. 這個方法雖然很老套,但它還是非常有效。既老派又珍貴的禮物,只需要花一些時間,做一張明信片,用彩色紙製作花朵,或裝滿家人照片的相片。 

2. Give her a Mother’s Day Coupon 製作「母親節特別優惠券」

These free printable mothers day coupons could be powerful to be a sweet eco-friendly gift for your mom! Our way is to print them out and let her randomly pick one (or two), she would totally be obsessed with it! 母親節優惠券可成為您媽媽的一份甜蜜又友善環境禮物! 將它們製作並印出來後,讓媽媽隨機選擇一個(或兩個),相信媽媽們非常容易被迷住!

3. Cook for her or prepare a dinner together with her為她做飯或和她一起準備晚

A warm home cook meal will be a great present becasue it shows that you took extra time and care to make her day really one to remember

In case you are not able to handle a cozy at-home dinner (but I bet that you’re just too busy to do so), you will tend to think about taking her to a restaurant, which I’m sure would be the most common idea. My advice is that make sure that you spend more time chatting with her, Avoid spending the dinner staring at the tiktok videos or instagram feeds. It’s her day and so, she deserves your full attention.


如果您不能在家中享用舒適的晚餐(或許是因為您太忙了),可以考慮將她帶到餐廳,這將是另一個不錯的最佳選擇也是最常見的想法。 而我們的建議是,確保可以保留時間與她聊天,切忌科技冷漠。 今天一年中唯一一個母親節,所以主角永遠是您的母親。

            4. Environmentally sustainable activity together 一起進行永續環境類的活動

This is how you could spend the special day with your beloved mom while spending no money and minimizing your negative environmental impact. There are plenty of sustainable activities you can partake in to bond. An ethical option is to stay indoors and partake in an activity using what you already have. Consider pulling out your box of old family photos and re-create it. There’s a trend going around where people are taking those old, cherished family photos and recreating them years, and sometimes even decades later. Let’s take a look at a few of my favorites from around the web.

可以與心愛的媽媽度過特別的一天,同時不花任何錢,並最大程度地減少對環境的負面影響。 您可以參加許多永續環境的活動。 可以選擇進行室內的活動比如:使用已有的物品賦予其第二生命。也可以考慮重新整理您的家庭照片。拍攝並保存珍貴的家庭成長對比照,並在數年甚至數十年後將現狀拍出來後比較,已成為一種新趣事。 分享一些我們在網絡上找到的一些照片和其對比。

Also consider heading to the farmers (wholesale) market. There's nothing like an early walk through the farmers market on the weekend. Pick fresh produce and discover new favorites with Mom, bubble milk tea in hand. 還可以考慮前往農民(批發)市場。 沒有什麼比周末早些時候一起去市場更好的活動了。可以一起挑選新鮮的商品,並與媽媽泡奶茶一起發現新的最愛

Happy Mother’s Day! 敬祝全天下的媽媽母親節快樂。

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