Homemade remedies for mosquitoes 在家自製天然的抑制蚊子叮方法

by - May 12, 2021

In the hot and humid weather of Taiwan, mosquitoes are everywhere, ready to buzz around and waiting for a taste of your blood. Most mosquito bites are harmless, but others cause discomfort in a long period.

So what should we do when we get mosquito bites. In reality, most of the insect sprays contain a lot of chemical ingredients, which are not good for your health and the environment. Today, we will introduce to you 13 to cure the pain from mosquito bites from natural products, which you may find at home.

在台灣炎熱潮濕的天氣中,總是會招來許多蚊子,無時無刻的在您耳邊嗡嗡作響,等待著您的美味鮮血。 雖然大多數蚊蟲叮咬無害,但通常會在一段時間內引起不適或覺得癢。

因此,當我們被蚊子叮時該怎麼辦呢。 實際上,大多數殺蟲劑都含有許多化學成分,這些化學成分不利於您的健康和造成環境汙染。 今天,我們將介紹13種天然產品可以讓您健康的在家對抗蚊子。

2. Oat 燕麥

Oats are effective in relieving itching and swelling caused by mosquito bites. Oats contain special ingredients, which are resistant to irritation. You can mix the oatmeal with water, then apply the mixture to the sting for 10 minutes and rinse it off with water.

燕麥可有效緩解蚊蟲叮咬引起的瘙癢和腫脹。 燕麥含有抗刺激的特殊成分。 您可以將燕麥片與水混合,然後將其塗抹在被叮得地方10分鐘,然後用水沖洗掉。

2. Ice 冰塊

The cold of ice can help reduce inflammation and numb the skin in the short term. You can use ice packs to relieve the itch of the sting. You also note that you should not put ice directly on the skin for more than 5 minutes because it can damage your skin. It is best to place a towel between the skin and the ice so that it can soothe the sting for longer without damaging the skin. 冰可以在短期內幫助減輕發炎和使皮膚麻痺。 您可以使用冰袋減輕叮癢。 須注意的是,冰塊最好不要直接放在皮膚上超過5分鐘,因為它會破壞皮膚組織,最好中間隔著一塊毛巾,這樣它便可以在不傷皮膚的情況下更長時間地緩解刺痛。

3. Honey 蜂蜜

Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, so it is often used to treat sore throats or bruises. If you put a drop of honey on the sting it will reduce the inflammation. 蜂蜜具有抗菌和消炎作用,因此通常用於治療喉嚨痛或瘀傷。 如果將一滴蜂蜜放在被叮得地方上,可以有效抑制被叮後皮膚發炎。

4. Aloe vera 蘆薈

Aloe vera is a plant that can be grown easily at home. Aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory, can heal small wounds and soothe infections. Many people use aloe vera for dissection therapy. You apply aloe vera gel to the mysterious skin. After the gel dries, you can apply one more layer. 蘆薈是一種可以在家中便可以輕鬆種植的植物。 蘆薈凝膠具有抗炎作用,可以治愈小傷口並緩解感染。 許多人使用蘆薈進行夾層療法。 將蘆薈凝膠塗被叮的皮膚上,待 凝膠乾燥後,可以再塗一層。

5. Baking Soda 小蘇打

Baking soda has many functions and one of them is to relieve mosquito bites. Like oats, you mix baking soda with water and apply this paste to the mosquito bite for 10 minutes, before rinsing it off with water. 小蘇打具有許多功能,其中之一是緩解蚊蟲叮咬。 像燕麥一樣,您可以將小蘇打與水混合,然後將其塗在蚊蟲叮咬中10分鐘,然後用水沖洗乾淨。

6. Basil  羅勒(做義大利麵青醬的主要材料,和九層塔不同)

Besides its use as a cooking spice, basil is also capable of treating mosquito bites. Basil leaves contain the eugenol, which has the ability to reduce itching.

羅勒除用作烹飪香料外,還能夠治療蚊蟲叮咬。 羅勒葉中含有丁香酚,丁香酚具有減少瘙癢的能力。

You add 14g basil to 450ml boiling water and let cool. Then, use a towel soaked in the mixture to apply it to the sting. You can also chop basil leaves into small pieces and apply them to mosquito bites.  在450毫升開水中加入14克羅勒,待其冷卻後,將其浸在毛巾將其塗在被蚊蟲叮的地方。 您也可以將羅勒葉切成小塊,然後將其用於被蚊子咬的地方。

7. Apple cider vinegar 蘋果醋
For centuries, apple cider vinegar has been used to treat a variety of health conditions, from infections to blood sugar problems. If you are bitten by a mosquito, apply some vinegar to the sting. Vinegar can relieve itching and a burning sensation.蘋果醋從過去就一直被用來治療許多疾病,從感染到血糖問題都被廣泛運用。 如果您被蚊子叮咬,只要在被叮的地方塗抹些醋便可以減輕癢癢。 If you want the mosquito bite to ease faster, try soaking a towel in a mixture of cold water and vinegar, then apply it to the affected area.

8. Onion 

Onion juice can soothe a mosquito bite, helping you to stop itching or burning. Onions are also resistant to fungi, which in turn may help reduce the risk of infection. Just cut a slice of onion and apply it to the sting for a few minutes. After that, rinse with water.

洋蔥汁可以緩解蚊蟲叮咬,幫助您抑制癢癢。 洋蔥對真菌也有抵抗力,這反過來又可以幫助減少感染的風險。 只需切一下洋蔥片,然後將其塗上幾分鐘後,用水沖洗即可。

9. Thyme grass

Thyme also helps reduce the itchy sensation caused by mosquito bites. Thyme has antifungal properties, so it helps to reduce the risk of irritation and infection in the skin around the sting. You apply thyme over the sting for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with water.

10. Perilla Leaf 紫蘇葉
Perilla is a plant that can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, from anxiety to upset stomach. To treat mosquito bites, you can use chopped perilla leaves or perilla essential oil. This herb contains tannins, a natural astringent. In addition, perilla also contains polyphenols, combined with tannins will reduce inflammation, speed healing and reduce the risk of infection.
要治療蚊蟲叮咬,可以使用切碎的紫蘇葉或紫蘇精油。 這種草藥含有單寧,一種天然收斂劑。 此外,紫蘇還含有多酚,與單寧結合將減少炎症,加快癒合並降低感染的風險。

11. Witch-hazel 金縷梅
Witch-hazel is a natural astringent because it contains tannins. Witch hazel has many therapeutic uses, from small cuts and scrapes to hemorrhoids. Using witch hazel on the skin will help reduce inflammation, soothe the burning, and irritation caused by the sting. Witch-hazel can also speed up wound healing.
金縷梅是天然的收斂劑,因為它含有單寧酸。 金縷梅有許多治療用途,從小傷口和刮傷到痔瘡。 在皮膚上使用金縷梅有助於減輕炎症,緩解因刺痛引起的灼痛和刺激感。 金縷梅還可以加快傷口癒合。
You add a little witch hazel water to the medical cotton and gently rub it on the sting. Wait for the witch hazel to dry and you can do it again.

12. Chrysanthemum tea 菊花茶
Chamomile is considered a natural remedy, helping to treat many diseases. When using chamomile tea on the skin will help reduce inflammation, skin irritation and accelerate healing of mosquito bites. You take the tea bag soaked in water and put in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Then, squeeze all the water out of the tea bag and apply it to the sting. Leave the tea bag on your skin for about 10 minutes and wipe it off with a wet towel.
洋甘菊被認為是一種自然療法,有助於治療許多疾病。 在皮膚上使用甘菊茶將有助於減少炎症,刺激皮膚並加速蚊蟲叮咬的癒合。 將浸泡在水中的茶包放入冰箱中約30分鐘。 然後,將所有水從茶袋中擠乾後,將其塗抹在被叮的地方, 約10分鐘後用濕毛巾擦拭。

13. Garlic 大蒜

Garlic is not only a cooking spice but also an herb that helps treat many diseases, such as heart disease or high blood pressure. Garlic also helps to reduce irritation of mosquito bites. However, be aware that using garlic for wounds or stings can cause heat and irritation. You should grind the garlic and mix it with lotion or coconut oil before applying it to your skin. 

大蒜不僅是烹飪香料,而且還是有助於治療多種疾病(例如心髒病或高血壓)的草藥。 大蒜還有助於減少蚊蟲叮咬的刺激。 但是,請注意,將大蒜用於傷口或刺痛會引起熱量和刺激。 您應該先將大蒜磨碎,然後將其與乳液或椰子油混合,然後再將其塗在皮膚上。

Although this mixture reduces the effectiveness of garlic, it can still provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties for mosquito bites. You apply this mixture to your skin and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then, wipe it off with a wet cloth. If the itching persists, you can apply more of this mixture.

儘管這種混合物降低了大蒜的功效,但它仍然可以為蚊蟲叮咬提供抗炎和抗菌性能。 將這種混合物塗在皮膚上,靜置10分鐘。 然後,用濕布擦拭乾淨。 如果仍感覺癢癢的,您可以再多用一些。

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