Is Taiwan committed to sustainable transportation? 在台灣生活常用的交通工具是否對有助於永續發展呢?

by - May 13, 2021

Transport corresponds to a quarter of global carbon dioxide emissions emitted in the world. We wanted to know how Taiwanese and foreigners living in Taiwan commute. Which means of transport they are using? Do they think of their carbon footprint when they commute ? To answer to these questions, we investigated, once again within the NSYSU campus, to find out how the population moves and if they take into account the pollution it generates.

交通工具的總佔排碳量佔全球的四分之一。 我們想知道台灣人和外國人在台灣普遍選擇何種方式通勤。大家上下班時是否會注意到自己的碳足跡? 這次我們在中山大學校園內進行了調查,以了解大家的通勤方式以及他們是否會顧及對環境的影響。

Our first interviewee of the day, Arsenly from Russia, shared his habits with us. First of all, he explained that he only travels by metro within the city and travels longer distances by train.  He says he never uses the bus because it is not always on time or it is easy to miss the schedule. 

我們第一位採訪到來自俄羅斯的Arsenl,並和我們分享了他平時通勤的方式。首先,捷運是他在都會地區旅行的最佳方式,而搭乘火車通常是為了較遠的旅遊景點。 但他也提到,因為公車時常無法準時,否則很容易錯過時間表,因此他很少選擇搭乘公車。

While pursuing your investigation, we met Liangting from Taiwan. He told us that he chooses his means of transport by their practicality and the distance he has to travel. He mainly uses his scooter or the train to get around. In all honesty, he told us that he does not think about his environmental impact when he chooses his means of transport. 

不久後我們遇到了來自台灣的亮廷。他告訴我們,他會根據交通工具的實用性和目的地距離來選擇運輸工具。 他旅遊時大多使用腳踏車及火車,他也很老實告訴我們,他選擇交通工具時其實並不會對將對環境的影響納入考量。

Our next guests come from different backgrounds Sarka from Czech Republic and Poom and Ivan from Thailand. Sarka is the only one who owns and uses a motorbike, she appreciates the convenience of this vehicle to commute and travel for short distances. She specifies that for a trip from Kaohsiung to Taipei, she will choose public transport. She prefers the bus because it is the cheapest way to travel, but if the train is at a similar price, she will take the train to reduce her carbon footprint. Poom prefers public transport, it is more convenient, no need to have or look for a parking space. Ivan tells us "I prefer to take public transport but if I have time I prefer to walk, you can exercise and enjoy the view." We concluded this interview by asking their opinions on Ubike, they find the option very convenient and more affordable than the metro but the weather has to be good.
接下來我們訪問到來自捷克的Sarka、泰國的Poom和Ivan。 Sarka是這三人中唯一有機車的人,她認為機車在短途通勤和旅行中非常的方便。但假如今天她須從高雄前往台北,她則會選擇客運。她之所以喜歡客運主要是因為它是最便宜的旅行方式,但是若與火車票的價格相近,她則會選擇搭乘火車來減少碳足跡。 Poom則認為公共交通工具更方便,因為這樣就不會有需要找停車位的困擾了。 Ivan告訴我們:我喜歡乘坐公共交通工具,但如果他的時間充足,則會選擇走路,因為走路可以同時鍛煉身體並欣賞美景。 在採訪結束後,我們也詢問了他們對Ubike的想法,他們認為短程內Ubike會比地鐵更方便、更實惠,但前提是須要是好天氣。

官鼎耀 from Taiwan is our next guest. He told us that he has a petrol-powered motorbike but he only uses it to go to school. In fact, he prefers public transport because it is convenient, provides rest and is more environmentally friendly. He is thinking of buying an electric motorbike because of his concern for the environment. 
來自台灣的官鼎耀是我們的下一位受訪者。 他告訴我們說他有一輛機車,但他只用於上學通勤。 實際上,他也喜歡公共交通工具,因為它方便、可以休息且更環保。 出於對環境友善的考量,他目前正考慮購買電動摩托車。

We then exchanged with Mailing from Taiwan, who graduated from NSYSU in 1995. She has four different means of transportation, underground and scooter for short distance, car for long distance and bicycle for exercise. She says she walks to the morning market to reduce air pollution and protect her health and that of others. She said that lung cancer is the most popular cancer in Taiwan, and that transport, especially scooters, is one of the main causes.
然後,我們與來自台灣的Mailing進行了交流,他於1995年畢業於中山大學。她有四種不同的通勤方式:短距離的話會選擇捷運或機車,長途的話則會選擇汽車,而則會使用自行車來做為平時的運動。 她說,她會步行去市場以減少空污,保護自己和他人的健康。 她說,肺癌是台灣最主要的癌症之一,尤其機車是主要原因之一。

Our last guest is Rahul from India. He has been in Taiwan for a year and a half, initially living in Taipei where he used his scooter. Now, since he is studying his PhD at NSYSU in Kaohsiung, he does not use a scooter. In Kaohsiung, he mainly uses the Ubike and for long trips he uses the high speed train.He shares that "public transport, especially buses, are not very convenient because everything is written in Chinese so it is difficult to find your way around". 

我們的最後一位採訪到來自印度的Rahul。 他已經在台灣一年半了,剛來台灣時是住在台北,在那裡他常使用自己的機車。 現在,由於他正在高雄的中山大學攻讀博士學位,因此他不再使用機車。 在高雄,他主要使用Ubike,長途旅行則使用高速火車。他說:“公共交通,尤其是公車,對他而言相當不方便,因為所有的內容都是中文,所以很難找到自己的要下車的站”。

Through these interviews, we found out that the public transport system in Taiwan is well built as the majority of people use it to get around. Some small adjustments could be made like translating all information into English. To change people's habits, the proposed alternatives must be practical and affordable, the solution proposed by Ubike seems to be well established in consumers' habits. 

透過這些採訪,我們發現台灣的公共交通系統算是完善的,因為大多數人都會以此來借為他們的通勤或旅遊工具。但還有一些小地方可以的改進,例如:將所有資訊翻譯成英文。 為了提倡大眾運輸交通工具和改變人們的習慣,提議的替代方案必須切實可行且負擔得起。


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