Home-made soap for a better world! 自製肥皂,讓世界更美好!

by - May 21, 2021

 If you can make your own soap, why bother spending more money on this product!. 

This is a solution that is both economical and creates a product that is safe, quality and right to your preferences. Also, by making your own soap, you will also reduce the pollution to the environment by reducing the chemical uses and other wastes coming from the manufacturing industry.



So how to make handmade soap? Let's follow up right now! 那麼如何製作手工皂呢?讓我們馬上來了解吧!

  1. Preparation 準備材料:

    Equipment 工具

    • silicone soap molds 矽膠皂模具

    • silicone baking pans 矽膠烤盤

    • stainless steel thermometer 不銹鋼溫度計

    • stick blender 棒式攪拌機

    Ingredients 材料

    • ⅔ cup unrefined coconut oil (to produce good lather)

    • ⅔ cup olive oil (which makes a hard and mild bar)

    • ⅔ cup almond oil (grapeseed, sunflower, or safflower oil will also work, just make sure it's a liquid oil)
      ¼ cup lye (100% sodium hydroxide … you can also find at local hardware stores)
      ¾ cup cool water – use distilled or purified (find the best water purification systems here)

      ● ⅔杯未精製的椰子油(產生良好的泡沫)      
      ● ⅔杯橄欖油(硬而溫和的棒狀)      
      ● ⅔杯杏仁油(菜籽油,向日葵油或紅花油也可以,只需確保它是液體油即可)      
      ● ¼杯鹼液(100%氫氧化鈉……您也可以在當地的五金店找到)      
      ● ¾杯冷水–使用蒸餾水或純淨在此處找到最佳的淨水系統      

      Instructions: 方法

      Step 1:
      Use newspaper to cover the surface. Put on your gloves and any other safety equipment you have. In a quart canning pot, measure out your water. Prepare yourself with a spoon. Make sure you have ¼ cup of lye when you measure it. Pour the lye into the water in a slow, steady stream, stirring constantly. To stop the fumes, stand back while stirring. Enable the water to settle as it begins to clear before proceeding to the next stage.

      Step 2:
      Combine the three oils in the pint container. They should just make a pint. Heat the oils in a microwave for about a minute, or heat them in a pan of water. Check the temperature of your oils; they should be about 120 degrees Fahrenheit. By then, your lye should have cooled to about 120°. Allow both to cool to a temperature of 95° to 105°. This is crucial when producing soap. It will come together easily if the temperature is too cold, but it will be coarse and crumbly.


      Step 3
      Pour the oils into a mixing bowl until the lye and oils have reached the desired temperature. Slowly drizzle in the lye, stirring constantly until thoroughly combined. Hand-stir for a total of 5 minutes. It's important to have as much lye as possible in contact with as much soap as possible. You can either keep stirring or use an immersion blender after about 5 minutes. The color of the soap mixture will lighten and it will thicken. As it resembles vanilla pudding, you've reached "trace" and can proceed.


      Step 4
      At this stage, you can add your herbs, essential oils, or other ingredients. To mix, thoroughly stir all together. Cover with plastic wrap after pouring the mixture into the mold. Cover it in an old towel to keep it warm. The residual heat will be retained, and the saponification process will begin. Saponification is the transformation of the raw materials into soap.


      Step 5:
      Test your soap after 24 hours. Let it sit another 12-24 hours if it's still warm or soft. Turn it out onto parchment paper or a baking rack until it has cooled and firmed up. Cut into a bar using a loaf pan as a mold. Leave the bars for a 4-week cure period and be sure to flip the bar once a week to allow air to circulate on all sides.



      Step 6

      Cover your soap in wax paper or store it in an airtight jar until it has completely cured. Handcrafted soap produces its own glycerin, a humectant that draws moisture from the air. It should be wrapped to prevent the moisture from attracting dust and debris.



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