10 Eco-friendly everyday products. 10種環保日常用品.

by - May 21, 2021

Environmental pollution is concerned by the whole world. Everyday we littered an uncountable amount of waste to the Earth. 環境污染受到全世界的關注。每天,我們在地球上消耗了許多可重複利用的資源。Using environmentally friendly products is a good solution to reduce the human footprint. So what are the items you can use everyday? Here is our suggested list! 使用環保產品是減少人類足蹟的好方法。那麼,您每天可以使用哪些物品?這是我們的建議清單!

1. Cloth bag 布袋

Cloth bags made of natural materials, which are safe, clean, and beautiful. This product is designed with different models and colors or you can even customize it yourself. You can use it for many purposes such as going out, going to school, going to work ... Even used as shopping bags, food storage and food.



2. Bamboo basket 竹編籃子

Baskets made of bamboo are also friendly products. They decompose without harming the soil.  竹製籃子也是友好的產品。它們在不損害土壤的情況下分解。

3. Biodegradable garbage bags 可自然分解的垃圾袋

This type of bag is made from microplastics (about 40 - 50%) incorporating other ingredients such as decomposition additives. Some other garbage bags may also be made of natural ingredients such as cornstarch, tapioca, flour ... that do not affect the health of users.

The bag is resistant to dirt leakage during transport. In particular, if ordinary garbage bags take hundreds of years to decompose, this bag only takes a few years, causing little harm to the soil environment. 袋子在運輸過程中可以防止污物滲漏。特別是,如果普通的垃圾袋分解需要數百年的時間,那麼這種垃圾袋只需幾年,對土壤環境的危害很小。

4. Bamboo straws 竹製吸管
The F&B industry is taking the throne. As you may notice, while serving coffee, milk tea and other beverages,  the attached straw is indispensable. However, the use of disposable plastic straws causes many negative effects on health and the environment. 餐飲業正佔據王位。您可能會注意到,在提供咖啡,奶茶和其他飲料時,必不可少的附帶吸管。但是,使用一次性塑料吸管會對健康和環境造成許多負面影響。

Therefore, the bamboo straw is one of the most favored eco-friendly products used. Besides, other materials for making straws such as bagasse, stainless steel, wood, paper ... are also being developed. 因此,竹吸管是近期最受青睞的環保產品之一。此外,還開發了用於製造吸管的其他材料,例如蔗渣,不銹鋼,木材,紙...。

5. Bagasse box .蔗渣盒
Bagasse boxes for rice, fast food ... are great substitutes for foam plastic boxes. The main material is bagasse, which is biodegradable. When they encounter hot food, they do not produce cancer-causing substances such as plastic cans. 

6. Natural loofah dish washing pads  天然絲瓜洗碗墊
Instead of the usual sponge cleaner, why not try switching to a loofah fiber. It's both cheap and easy to find, the price is not high, but the utility is much better. The loofah is light, capable of foaming and cleaning stains. 除了嘗試使用普通的海綿清潔劑,還不如嘗試使用絲瓜絡纖維。它既便宜又容易找到,價格雖然不高,但實用性卻更好。絲瓜絡很輕,能夠起泡和清潔污漬。

7. Loofah Pad Body Scrubber 絲瓜絡身體清潔劑
Similar to dish washing pads, loofah is also made into hygiene bath cotton. The product is both exfoliating and good for blood circulation. 
Note, this product is made entirely of natural materials, you need to dry it immediately after use to kill bacteria and should not exceed the prescribed time limit! 請注意,本產品完全由天然材料製成,使用後需要立即乾燥以殺死細菌,並且不得超過規定的時間限制!

8. Bamboo Toothbrushes 竹牙刷
Plastic toothbrushes take dozens or even hundreds of years to decompose. 塑料牙刷需要數十甚至數百年才能分解。
That’s why bamboo toothbrushes appear to be a great alternative. The product has a body made of bamboo and the brushes are made of biodegradable bio-fiber. All are friendly in the environment. 這就是為什麼竹牙刷是一個很好的選擇。該產品的主體為竹製,刷子由可生物降解的生物纖維製成。所有人在環境中都很友好。

9. Natural Body Washes or Organic Soap 天然沐浴露或有機肥皂
Bath soaps made from natural ingredients such as butter, honey, aloe vera ... or vegetable oils (olive oil, coconut oil ...) usually have no preservatives and no chemicals that create odors. 由天然成分(例如黃油,蜂蜜,蘆薈...或植物油(橄欖油,椰子油...))製成的沐浴皂通常不含防腐劑,也沒有產生氣味的化學物質。
Furthermore, they come in paper boxes or handmade bamboo woven bags, which are very good for the user and the environment.

10. Dried Waxed Bag 蠟製紙袋
The Dried Waxed Bag is made entirely from natural materials, and does not contain harmful substances. You can use it to wrap vegetables, bread, dishes, etc. Since it is a reusable product, you may consider replacing plastic bags, plastic food wrap and plastic boxes. 蠟袋完全由天然材料製成,不含有害物質。您可以用它包裝蔬菜,麵包,菜餚等。由於它是可重複使用的產品,因此您可以考慮更換塑料袋,塑料食品包裝紙和塑料盒。

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