Challenge - One week!! 挑戰一星!!

by - May 21, 2021

Challenge - One week = Only one jar of trash (Bathroom)

Why not start a new ecological challenge today? The goal is to reduce your bathroom waste. The first step of the challenge: put all your bathroom waste into a 300g container and see how long it takes to fill it. 

SPOIL: You'll be impressed by how fast it fills up. 速度:它的填充速度會給您留下深刻的印象。
With this exercise, we become aware of our daily waste. Now, here are some tips on how to minimize this waste. 

  • To clean our ears, we are all fond of cotton buds, but ENT doctors strongly discourage this method, which is too aggressive and produces plastic waste every day. It is recommended to simply use the shower head near your ear once a week to clean it with clear water. So stop using cotton buds!  為了清潔我們的耳朵,我們都喜歡棉籤,但是耳鼻喉科醫生強烈反對這種方法,因為這種方法太過激進,每天都會產生塑料廢物。建議每週簡單地使用一次靠近耳朵的噴頭用清水清洗。因此,請停止使用棉籤!      

  • To remove make-up, it is very practical to use cotton pads with make-up remover but they end up in the bin every time, generating a lot of unnecessary waste. A simple, ecological and economical solution in the long term: washable cotton pads. After use, you simply wash them in the machine or by hand. 要卸妝,使用帶有卸妝棉墊的棉墊非常實用,但是每次都將棉墊放入垃圾箱中,從而產生大量不必要的浪費。從長遠來看,一種簡單,生態和經濟的解決方案:可洗棉墊。使用後,您只需在機器中或用手將它們洗淨即可。

  • To wash yourself, choose a solid soap instead of a shower gel and say goodbye to plastic packaging. PS: it washes as well as the shower gel. 要清洗自己,請選擇固體肥皂代替沐浴露,並告別塑料包裝。PS:它和沐浴露一樣洗。

  • For shaving, the best thing is a safety razor, which is an investment but will prove to be very profitable. Indeed, no need to throw away the razor after use, you will simply have to change the blade once it is dull. 對於剃刮,最好的是安全剃刀,這是一項投資,但事實證明將非常有利可圖。的確,使用後無需丟棄剃刀,只需在刀片變鈍後更換刀片即可。

  • For your cocooning afternoons, opt for homemade masks instead of those from the big brands. In addition to being sure of the composition, you will limit your packaging waste. Here is a recipe for a mask to moisturise your face: 優閒的午後,可以選擇自製口罩,而不是大品牌的口罩。除了確定組成之外,您還可以減少包裝浪費。這是保濕面膜的食譜:   
                - 3 teaspoons of white clay
                - 3 teaspoons of milk 
                - 1 teaspoon of honey
            Mix and apply to the face. Leave on for 20 minutes.

  • Finally, if you use menstrual pads or tampons during your period, why not try other more ecological alternatives. The menstrual cup or washable sanitary towels are real revolutions. After each use, they simply need to be cleaned so no more waste! 最後,如果您在月經期間使用月經墊或衛生棉條,何不嘗試其他更環保的替代品。月經杯或可洗衛生巾是真正的革命。每次使用後,只需清潔它們即可,不再浪費!   

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