Tips to reduce your internet carbon footprint. 減少互聯網碳足蹟的提示 。

by - May 21, 2021

This time, in this article, we will tackle our carbon footprint from internet consumption. To give you an idea, if the internet was a country, it would be the 6th largest consumer of electricity in the world. To make you an eco-responsible consumer of the internet here are some tips: 

這次我們的文章為如何減少網路消費的碳足跡。 試著想像,當網路是一個國家,那將會是世界上第6大耗電的來源。 或許下面的幾個方法讓您成為一個對環境出一份力的使用者:

First, you can change your search engine.  一、嘗試換一個瀏覽器。

Today, Google has 63% of the market share. However, it has 100% free and more responsible alternatives to Google. For example, the Ecosia search engine uses its profits to plant trees and runs on 100% renewable energy. As a bonus: Ecosia anonymises all search queries after four days, which means that it is impossible for the company to link behaviour to a specific user after this period. Click here for a full list of alternatives for your search engine. 

Google到目前為止,為63%的網路使用者首選。 但是,還有其他絕對免費且更友善環境的的替代方案。 例如,Ecosia將藉由瀏覽器所獲的利潤用於植樹,並致力於將可能源的重複利用率達到100%。 此外:Ecosia匿名所有搜索查詢,這意味著該公司不會將使用者的行為賣給商業以利廣告。 了解更多

Go directly to the websites instead of googling them. 直接進入網站不透過Google搜尋
This will avoid running the search engine and thus using energy. A little advice: register the sites you visit most often, such as banks, social networks, your school's website and EMAIL 
這麼做可以避免當我們使用搜尋引擎而耗費的能源。 小訣竅:註冊您最常訪問的網站,例如銀行,社交網絡,學校的網站和電子郵件。
Change your email service provider. 改變電子信箱的服務提供商
It's the simple things like this that make a difference. If you think about it, your primary purpose in creating an email address is to communicate by email and to have storage space. A job that Gmail, Hotmail or Outlook does very well. But there are 100% free alternatives to reduce your energy impact and protect your data. You can choose for example: Protonmail or Tutanota.
改變其實一點都不困難。如果您考慮過,可以將創建電子郵件地址的主要目的是通過電子郵件進行通信並具有存儲空間。 Gmail,Hotmail或Outlook的作業非常好。 但仍有完全免費選擇且減少環境影響並保護您的數據。 比如:ProtonMail或Tutanota。

Clean your mailbox and unsubscribe from spam. 整理郵箱並取消訂閱廣告及封鎖垃圾郵件
Remember that 12 billion emails are sent every hour and that takes a lot of energy to send and to store. The solution is Clean Fox, a French start-up that offers a free service to clean up your mailbox. All you have to do is create an account and enter your email address. 
全世界的人每小時發送120億封電子郵件,並為消耗了大量的資源來發送並存儲。 Clean Fox是一個法國的新創事業,提供免費服務來幫助我們清理信箱。 我們需要做的就是創建一個帳戶並輸入您的信箱帳號。
Think twice before sending documents as attachments. 考慮清楚後再將附件送出。
An email with an attached document is the energy equivalent of a light bulb burning for 1 hour. So try to think before you send a document as an attachment, ask yourself if it is really necessary or reduce the size of the document with an online compressor (which does not even change the quality of your documents).  附檔的信件和使用1小時燈泡的耗能是一樣的。 所以當我們在寄送附件前,可以先嘗試盡量壓縮檔案。

Store your data on an external hard drive. 將數據存儲在外接硬碟內。Storing your data in the cloud is not very eco-friendly, as every time you want to access your documents it requires electricity. 將您的數據存儲在雲中並不是非常環保的,每次想要訪問您的文件都需要電力。


Downloading instead of streaming video. 將影片下載下來以減少長時間使用網路雲端資源。

60% of all internet traffic worldwide comes from video streaming. So prefer downloading your favourite movies or listening to podcasts to streaming platforms like Netflix, HBO. Otherwise simply reduce the quality of the video, this will limit your impact. 全球網路的流量有60%來自影音。 我們可以先下載自己喜歡的電影或聆聽播客,Netflix、HBO、Podcast都具有這樣的功能。

Turn down the brightness level of your screen or use the dark mode. 降低螢幕的亮度或使用節能模式。This will reduce the amount of power needed to illuminate your screen and thus conserve your device's battery for longer. 這將減少照亮屏幕所需的功率量,從而節省您的設備的電池。
Look for labels on products. 尋找節能產品標籤。Buy products with the Energy Star label or certified by the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) to limit your impact. 可以用Energy Star標籤購買產品或通過電子產品環境評估工具(EPEAT)認證來選購產品
Donate items you no longer use. 捐贈我們不再使用的物品。Make an effort to donate them to an electronics recycling centre so that they can be reused and repurposed. 將它們捐贈給家電回收中心,以便它們可以重複使用並重新使用.
With all these tips, you have all the keys to change and improve the way you use the internet. Now, it's up to you ! 
看完這些小訣竅,您已知道如何對環境更友善的來使用網路。 現在,選擇權在您手上!

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